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Kin-Yoobi Con 2016
Sunday, August 7th
Newark Pavilion
Well, the first time we hosted Kin-Yoobi Con, back in 2007, was on a Friday. We don't want to forget or lose sight of the reasons why we did it back then so we keep the name as a reminder.
What are the reasons we did it?
To showcase and share our interests, gaming and anime, with our community.
To learn more about these interests from ourselves and the fan community.
To grow from these interests so that we can use them constructively.
Kin-Yoobi Con is about sharing our passions with each other and using them as an artform for positive change. We're about having fun and learning along the way. That's who we are. And that's who we always will be.
Why the heck are we called "Friday Convention" when we're happening on a Sunday???
Who We Are
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